family,opinions Today is Father’s Day. For me (with My son and daughter-in-law on the West Coast) this is a day celebrated with phone calls from the West Coast, and time alone with @Pinky379 and Cisco the Superdog. When I went…
Author: Bill
Living in the Internet
Who Needs a Second Life? I don’t need a program called “Second Life”. I’ve tried it but I just don’t “get it”. I know I can fly, but I keep bumping into things when I try. I’m not interested in…
Finding My Voice
Blogging is new to me Well, sort of. I’ve been blogging for a little while now on AgentGenius as a contributor. But that’s a blogging community so that isn’t totally my responsibility. And I have been “practicing”on Blogger with a fledgling…
Hello world!
Welcome to my take on Technology, the Real Estate Industry, Social Media, and whatever random thoughts I choose to share. Before I start, I want to make a few commitments to anyone who finds this post. I will not post information without…