On Facebook today, Brad Inman was complaining about the lack of skill and courtesy demonstrated by an agent that he contacted as a consumer. That lead to a conversation about how low the bar is in the industry, and the usual…
Author: Bill
We’re Not Confused – Your Coach is Probably a Trainer!
Lowering the Bar in Real Estate
Companies backed by VC money keep trying to re-invent the real estate industry. Some do little more than raise money and lower the bar, trying to reap profits for the creators. Here is the story of one of them.
Why You’ll Pry My MLS from My cold, dead hands
Maybe it’s the summer heat, but after reading a recent article on Inman.com entitled “Let’s get rid of the MLS”, I just felt like hitting my head against the wall to relieve the frustration the article generated. – Here’s my response
Why Haus is No Uber
You can tell that the real estate market is recovering because new business models spring up to take advantage of the growing market. We see more articles about “disruptive” business models, and people outside the industry come up with “new” technology offerings to solve problems they perceive exist in the real estate process. Haus.com is just the latest.
Could real estate teams solve the agent quality problem? Not so much!
In a recent article on Inman Select, there was an article entitled “Could real estate teams solve the agent quality problem?”, an interesting question, but one that is based on a misunderstanding of what real estate teams are, what they aren’t, and why they exist.
When Your Social Marketing isn’t Social – or Marketing
Back in the stone age (around 2006) social media platforms were new and exciting and exploding into the awareness of individuals and business communities alike. Now, 10 years later, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter have become a ubiquitous part of marketing, and an extension to broadcast media like newspapers, TV, and radio stations as people send in crowd-sourced material, and entertainers and personalities use these platforms as extensions of their shows. But even with large corporations co-opting the conversation in some instances, the magic of social platforms is still best found in the conversations that we have and the real relationships we establish online.
6 Ways to Get Your Buyer’s Offer Accepted
In our hurry up and get it done world of texts and emails and business done from a distance, we sometimes build barriers when we mean to build bridges. If you want to avoid that, then these six simple steps will help you get where you want to go.
How To Solve The Four Biggest Problems With Real Estate Branding
With agents trying to differentiate themselves from other real estate professionals, personal branding has become a popular DIY marketing skill for many. And yet a lot of them seem to get it wrong.
The NAR Code of Ethics is NOT Illegal (Definitely)
Did you ever have a friend that you really like and respect who sometimes drives you crazy? Rob Hahn fills that slot for me. I love talking to Rob, conjecturing about the future of the business and having those long…
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