I just got the email you see here – I was really disappointed. First I had to adjust to Yahoo’s purchase of Delicious,com – and the idea that my hundreds of bookmarks were going to go away, and then I…
Category: Social Media
Learning about the iPad and RebarCamp Orlando
I am at the Rosen Shingle Resort attending ReBarCamp Orlando. If you’re in the real estate industry you may be familiar with Rebarcamps. They are peer to peer opportunities for learning and sharing. On my Facebook profile I mentioned that I…
Is Your Marketing Relevant?
Image by SAN_DRINO via Flickr I’m a fan of silly things – they usually make me smile , but sometimes I end up just scratching my head and wondering why people do silly things when they don’t intend to. And…
This is Why Brandie Young ROCKS!
Its the middle of a really busy work day, so obviously I need to check out what my friends are doing on Facebook (I am after all an American). And there is the lovely Brandie Young on my live feed…
The Great ReBarCamp Controversy?
Image by reeltor99 via Flickr As I write this, I am in a hotel in Western Pennsylvania, where ReBarCamp Pittsburgh will take place tomorrow. I’m writing this post because of a few conversations I had recently with friends of mine.…
Heading Back to Chicago
I spent several days last week teaching the SMMI CSM course to a group of top agents in Chicago. I left there Saturday to attend the wedding of my best friend’s daughter in Sarasota Florida, but I find myself in…
In This Corner…Two Attorneys & One Broker
Image via Wikipedia Tomorrow morning I fly out to Atlanta for ReTechSouth. The conference has grown into a pretty substantial it event describing itself as; A place where agents, brokers, lenders, builders and many other real estate industry practitioners could…
Twitter PR Strategy
Twitter PR Strategy, originally uploaded by ogilvyprworldwide. With the limited budgets of many real estate brokers and agents, Social Media is bcoming a place where you need to be if you want to increase your sphere of influence and obtain…
2009 HAS to be Better
Image by reeltor99 via Flickr 2008 was a tough year. And its not one I’m sorry to see leave. The challenges we face in business are just part of our business, which is now and has always been cyclical. But …
The Law of The Mind – Marketing 101
I love the book “The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing“. I like it because it doesn’t try to be more than it is, it makes sense, its a quick read, and each time I read one of the 22 laws,…