Welcome to my take on Technology, the Real Estate Industry, Social Media, and whatever random thoughts I choose to share.
Before I start, I want to make a few commitments to anyone who finds this post.
I will not post information without confirmation or attribution.
I will try to provide as much useful information as possible.
I will try to keep this interesting (as much for myself as for my readers – whoever he or she may be)
I will attempt not to moderate comments, though I will reserve the right to modify this policy as I see how that plays out. I do believe in free speech, but I also believe that it is irresponsible to yell “Fire” in a crowded theater.
I will seek out contrasting (and possibly conflicting) viewpoints, and will always try to to treat the writers with respect.
I am tempted to make this list much longer (I sometimes get verbose as you’ll learn) But lLet’s see how this works first!
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