Back in the stone age (around 2006) social media platforms were new and exciting and exploding into the awareness of individuals and business communities alike. Now, 10 years later, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter have become a ubiquitous part of marketing, and an extension to broadcast media like newspapers, TV, and radio stations as people send in crowd-sourced material, and entertainers and personalities use these platforms as extensions of their shows. But even with large corporations co-opting the conversation in some instances, the magic of social platforms is still best found in the conversations that we have and the real relationships we establish online.
Tag: billlublin
6 Ways to Get Your Buyer’s Offer Accepted
In our hurry up and get it done world of texts and emails and business done from a distance, we sometimes build barriers when we mean to build bridges. If you want to avoid that, then these six simple steps will help you get where you want to go.
Rankings, Reviews and Ratings, Oh My!
The conversation began by the AgentMatch controversy continues, at a far slower pace since the program was hauled back in for review, but the issue still seems to be confusing to a number of people, including some very smart folks who consult with and to the real estate industry. It seems there is a lack of distinction in the conversations about Reviews, Ratings, and Rankings.
Disruption, Innovation, and Other Tired Concepts.
When I was a child, sometimes I would repeat a word so often that it became just a jumble of sounds and lost all meaning. Academics call that Semantic Satiation, but no matter what you call it, constant repetition degrades…
The End of the Real Estate Agent
I would bet that if your son or daughter came home from school crying because someone criticized them, you would probably tell them that they shouldn’t be concerned. You might tell them that their value is in what they do…
Is That a Listing in Your Pocket or Are You Just Glad to See me?
As the real estate market has heated up, the topic of pocket listings has become a focus for many agents and brokers around the country.
“Pocket” or “off-market” listings aren’t really a new phenomenon; in every real estate market where listings are scarce, there have always been real estate agents who saw opportunities to increase their income by offering limited exposure marketing programs to sellers.
How to Create an Awesome Listing Presentation
Chris Smith loves to crowd source. And who can blame him? Its a great way to tap into the resources of a community, assemble information, and then develop whatever it is you need. Chris has a great community that is…
Chicken Little and the Future of Real Estate
Foxy Loxy : “This is the Voice of Doom speaking! Special bulletin! Flash! The sky is falling! A piece of it just hit you on the head! Now be calm. Don’t get panicky. Run for your life!” – Chicken Little…
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